• Friends of the Scituate Town Library Paperback Book Sale

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    Name: Friends of the Scituate Town Library Paperback Book Sale
    Date: June 27, 2022
    Time: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM EDT
    Event Description:

    Friends’ Paperback Fiction on Sale for Only 50¢!  Stock up for your summer reading with paperback fiction at the
    2nd Chapter Bookstore operated by the Friends of the Scituate Town Library.

    The bookstore is located on the ground level of the library at 85 Branch Street.

    This special half-price 50¢ sale will be held from 10:00a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Monday, June 27, Wednesday, June 29, Friday, July1, and Saturday, July 2. 

    The bookstore also has a wide selection of many categories, including nonfiction, most ranging from $1 to $2.

    Proceeds help support museum passes and most library programs, including the upcoming Summer Concert Series.

    Check us out on   or our website friendsofthescituatetownlibrary.org. to learn how to donate your used books and ways you can volunteer.

    For questions, call 781-733-3582.

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