• Lighted Boat Parade and Blessing of The Fleet- fast becoming a Scituate Chamber of Commerce Heritage Days tradition. Decorate your boat and join in or just view from the shore! Fun for all ages.

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    Name: Lighted Boat Parade and Blessing of The Fleet- fast becoming a Scituate Chamber of Commerce Heritage Days tradition. Decorate your boat and join in or just view from the shore! Fun for all ages.
    Date: August 2, 2024
    Time: 8:30 PM - 10:00 PM EDT
    Event Description:
    Light up the night by joining the Lighted Boat Parade and Blessing of the Fleet. Boats line up outside Scituate Harbor at the SA Gong at 8:15pm and proceed into the inner harbor. More details to follow!
    Scituate Harbor
    Date/Time Information:
    August 2nd, 8:30pm
    Contact Information:
    Open to the public, free of charge
    Set a Reminder:
    Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.