• Threads Through Time: New England's Stone Walls

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    Name: Threads Through Time: New England's Stone Walls
    Date: April 11, 2024
    Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM EDT
    Event Description:
    Threads Through Time: New England’s Stone Walls
    with Jennifer Robinson

    April 11th, 7pm, GAR Hall
    Stone walls are an iconic landscape feature of New England. Winding through miles of fields, woodlands, and roads, their presence is often taken for granted. However, a closer examination of local stone walls reveals complex and interesting stories that define our region’s history and identity. Join Jennifer Robinson, Preservation Services Manager at Historic New England, to explore the history of stone wall building in the region, to understand how stone walls are constructed, and to develop a framework for identifying different types of walls. Prior to joining Historic New England, Robinson worked as a Research Fellow in Historic Landscapes at the Preservation Society of Newport County (RI), a research consultant for the Aquidneck Stone Wall Initiative (RI), and a museum/curatorial assistant at the Newport Historical Society (RI). She earned a BS in Textiles, Fashion Merchandising, and Design from the University of Rhode Island and an MSc in Architectural Conservation from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
    GAR Hall, 353 Country Way, Scituate, MA
    Date/Time Information:
    April 11, 7pm
    Contact Information:
    $10 for members $15 for non-members
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